Artist Bio

I have spent over 20 years conveying the sacred beauty of our world through the medium of photography. The majority of my work is devoted to the understated beauty of Appalachia, in particular the West Virginia Highlands that have become home. It is my hope that my work will help others better appreciate this unique and fragile region, and inspire them to conserve it through our uncertain future. 

These pages also include my work in travel and urban street photography. For me, travel is about embracing a place as it is in that moment, rather than laboring to re-photograph "iconic" images. I am often drawn to how temporary humans are relative to the spaces we live in. The series "Ghosts" attempts to convey this sensation of human impermanence.

I offer fine art prints on a limited basis. I personally print all works myself using professional printers and materials. For inquiries, please contact me at


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'You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.' -Alan Watts

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